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March 2021 Meeting Minutes

Valley Community Council Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2021

3:00 PM School Faculty Lounge

Council Members in Attendance:

Parent Representatives:

Brady Alhstrom, Hillary Evans, Amy Gompert, Whitney Pantone, Valerie Walker Voting virtually: Amiee Erickson, Krisha Froerer

Faculty Representatives:

Jody Coy, Lynne Graves, Katrina Handsaker

Principal: Jon England



1.  Call to order

     3:07 Amy Gompert called meeting to order

2.  Overview of Trustland plans for 2021-2022 school year – Mr. England

     Discussion of a few typos, printing of spreadsheet with correct addition of monies

3.  Vote to approve 2021-2022 Goals

     Move to vote on approval of 2021-2022 goals = 1st by Amy Gompert 2nd by Lynne Graves

     Yes by raise of hands or verbal yes= 11 No = 0

4.  Adjourn

     Move to close meeting @ 3:40 by Mr. England, 2nd by Lynne Graves