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1st Grade

The mission and focus of Valley Elementary School

In our Valley Community, we are committed to every child’s success. 

Valley Elementary First Grade

 Curriculum Highlights

Language Arts: The first grade language arts curriculum focuses on all the various components of a comprehensive literacy program. These include: oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics and spelling, vocabulary, reading fluency, comprehension, and writing. Reading is such a fundamental part of first grade and it is linked to all other content areas. First graders have many opportunities to work on language skills in whole group and small group settings as well as independently and with learning teams and partners.

Math: The first grade math curriculum provides students with mathematical experiences that help them develop number sense and a positive attitude towards mathematics that will continue throughout their school career and lives. Math concepts are covered through our daily calendar and math wall routine, through direct instruction and through students performing mathematical tasks in order to gain a deeper understanding of mathematics.

Social Studies: The first grade social studies curriculum focuses on the students and how they relate to others in their families, classroom, school and community. Social studies concepts and skills will be explored utilizing a literacy based, hands-on approach.

Science: The first grade science curriculum focus is on developing an awareness of the world in which we live. Science concepts and skills will be explored utilizing a literacy based, hands-on approach. Students investigate weather, plants, animals, water, moon, light and shadow.

Art and Music: Our first grade students explore many different art mediums while creating projects which complement our content learning. The first grade hall is used as a gallery to showcase their work monthly.

First graders learn many songs and chants in the classroom and during our weekly music time.

Opportunities for extension of learning: There are many special homework assignments given throughout the year. These include “All About Me” posters, research reports, and inventions. These assignments are beneficial in building oral language and writing skills.

Show and Teach give first grade students an opportunity to teach their classmates how to do something. Students participating in Show and Teach gain valuable oral language experience and self-confidence.

First graders take field trips to local museums and The Nature Center to supplement the content being taught in the classroom.

Remediation Techniques:  First graders have many opportunities to work in small group settings in order to obtain the support needed to reach individual learning goals. These groups are usually fluid and a student will move in and out of different classroom or reading groups in order to challenge each student. There are also occasions when students will work with a classroom aide or parent volunteer. This is a chance to practice skills the students are learning in the classroom. When necessary, a student may need to work with a speech or resource teacher and will be pulled out of the classroom for a short time with other children with similar needs.

Other Learning Opportunities:  First graders present a Thanksgiving program each year performing songs and poems in the fall. The Thanksgiving program is also a service project. The student’s families are encouraged to bring in canned food items and or money donations for holiday turkeys and hams. These pantry items are then donated to local food banks.

In the spring, first grade students offer a “Night at the Opera.” Every year, each class writes their own libretto. The students then perform their original opera. The children paint their own scenery and with their families, the kids put together costumes. We work closely with Opera by Children in Logan, Utah.

First Grade is Fabulous!