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January 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Valley Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2022

3:30 PM School Library

Council Members Present:

Parent Representatives:

Johanna Droubay, Hillary Evans, Krisha Froerer, Amy Gompert, Whitney Pantone

Faculty Representatives:

Jody Coy, Lynne Graves, Katrina Handsaker

Principal:  Crystal Deamer


  1. Call to order
    • Amy Gompert called meeting to order at 3:35
  2. Presentation & Discussion of Beginning of Year and Middle of Year Acadience Data – Ms. Metcalf
    • Ms. Metcalf presented data from 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years
  3. Presentation of RISE Testing Data and Essential Learning Targets (ELTs)  – Mrs. Deamer
    • Mrs. Deamer presented data from the current school year as well as two years prior for comparison.
  4. School Safety Presentation – Mrs. Graves
    • Overall safety plan of the school was presented including safe routes to and from school for the students who live close. And discussion on safety drills and plans of that nature throughout the school year.
  5. Adjourn 
    • Amy Gompert motioned to close the meeting at 4:25, Lynne Graves 2nd