February 2021 Meeting Minutes
Valley Community Council Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2021
3:45 PM School Library
Council Members:
Parent Representatives in attendance:
Brady Alhstrom, Amiee Erickson, Hillary Evans, Krisha Froerer, Amy Gompert, Whitney Pantone, Valerie Walker
Faculty Representatives in attendance:
Jody Coy, Lynne Graves, Katrina Handsaker
Principal: Jon England
1. Call to order – Amy Gompert called meeting to order at 3:50pm
2. Present Middle of Year Data – Mr. England
Mr. England presented the data and goals for the year 2020-2021, there has been improvement in students all around.
3. Discussion of Data as it relates to current and future goals
Trustland goals #1 and #2 were discussed for next year. Goals will mostly be kept the same with a few changes to #2 with more money allocated toward replacing older technology around the school.
4. Create goals for the 2021-2022 school year
Chairperson will email the goals out ahead of the next meeting for review before the vote.
5. Adjourn – Amy Gompert motion to adjourn at 4:50, Lynne Graves 2nd.