Get Involved
Opportunity Statement
The membership of a school community council includes the principal, teachers elected by teachers, and a majority of parents elected by parents of students at the school. It is their responsibility to plan and report on the usage of funds allocated to the school as part of the School LAND Trust Program. The plan the council writes focuses on the school’s greatest academic need (s). The most effective councils and committees are those whose members work collaboratively to develop plans to aid all students in reaching their potential.
Plans are approved by the local school board.
Council meetings are held a few times during the school year and are open to the public. Contact the school principal if you would like to get involved with the Community Council.
Do you want to have greater input as to how we use our resources (people, funds, and time) or greater insight into the vision and direction of Farr West Elementary? Do you want to take a more active role in our school community? Then join our Community Council where parents, staff, and other community members work together to make this the best school possible for our children.
Here are some facts about the School Community Council:
The Council is made up of parents, teachers, and the school principal
The school receives an annual dividend from the school trust lands and our council decides how these funds will be used.
Member terms are for two years (and they can be re-elected three times)
Members are responsible for developing the School Improvement Plan, School LAND Trust Plan, Safety Plan, Reading Achievement etc.
Council members meet 4-5 times during the school year
If you are interested in getting involved with the Community Council, please contact Crystal Deamer at Email Crystal Deamer